Meet Our 2022 Intern, Joshua
Here is What Joshua Has to Say
My name is Joshua Deslandes, and I am the Conservative Black Congress of Canada’s first Senator Donald Oliver Parliamentary Intern. I very much enjoy learning about politics, and I want to see this country thrive and grow.
I was grateful and honoured to work with Dr. Leslyn Lewis this summer in Ottawa as an intern. I believe it is of the utmost importance that we reach out to my generation to let them know that it’s OK to be Black and Conservative.
About two years ago, I became a conservative and was introduced to a new perspective that changed my life. I want to see more Black Canadians experience what I experienced. We need more representation in government, which is why I am excited about this internship and the organization so that we can elect more Black leaders like Dr. Leslyn Lewis, Patrice Barnes, Charmaine Williams and, one day, Joshua Deslandes.
Again I would like to thank the Conservative Black Congress of Canada for this opportunity!